HITH THIRI KURUN in Democracy.
The word HITH means Heart, THIRI means Down KURUN is a doing word in a Maldivian Language.
When the President Mohamed Nasheed oath for 5 years terms in office as a head of state in MALDIVES his beloved party MDP members were extremely happy for so many things.
In his presidential speech he has mentioned “down your hearts during success” the most of grass root MDP members were politically not well inform about this nature of diplomatic & political languages, specially in democracy.
Tear drops were felled because of this ISLAMIC HUMANITARIAN kind expression. Some MDP supporters & members claps there hands with huge emotions. The grass root definition about this was very deferent some school of thought was while celebrating the success to be moderate & not humiliate others. Some says same language was communicated when P.B.U prophet was succeeded in MEKKAH final confrontation.
The reality was most of the MDP supporter & members were not able to differentiate following.
1-Anni from historian to a investigative journalist.
2-Anni from Investigative journalist to a political writer & editor.
3-Anni from political writer & editor to a opposition parliamentarian.
4-Anni from opposition parliamentarian to a political prisoner.
5-Anni from political prisoner to a political activist.
6-Anni from political activist to a DEMOCRATIC activist.
7-Anni from Democratic activist to a self exile leader.
8-Anni from self exile leader to a an innovative democratic political party inventor.
9- Anni from innovative democratic political party inventor to a party chairperson.
10- Anni from party chairperson to party presidential candidate.
11-Anni from party presidential candidate to the president of republic of Maldives after 30 years of a brutal dictatorship.
MDP activist, they are always very open minded & direct when they operate as a apposition against to Qayyoom & his government. This will apply to all members including the top executive members. Definitely this was a good application to eradicate dictator brutal aggressions & confidence.
I may be wrong, I have been wrong for so many times during Qayyoom’s terms of office.
There is only one person among 380,000 people in Maldives who knew this very well & he was fully aware of this. He was well informed about this.
He is the MAN FOR ALL ISLANDS according to Mr.Roysten Elis. He is the one & only USTHAX son of a late KAAMINEEGE Abdull Qayoom Seedhi’s well known AL-USTHAX MAUMOON ABDULL QAYOOM.
He is the one who awaited for this auspicious opportunity as a result Qayoom increased assertion of his power in the early 1990s, by 1992. His principal rival, Ilyas Ibrahim, was sentenced to fifteen years' banishment after being found guilty of "treason" because of his attempts to win the presidency.
He had assumed the duties of both minister of defense and minister of finance, posts which he still held in August 1994 as well as that of governor of the Maldives Monetary Authority. Gayoom was re-elected to a fourth five-year term as president in national elections in 1993.
After violation of Qayyoom’s nepotism perception & ambition to the Maldivian presidency Qayyoom’s substitution of Iliyas was his young brother Abdulla Yameen Abdull Qayyoom.

Absolutely Yameen is a contingency option for Qayyoom which Yameen is not fully understand. Unlike Iliyas Ibrahim Yameen tooks maximum advantages of the opportunity & built a escape root to over come 15 years of banishment by experiencing Illiyas Ibrahim attempt for presidency.
PA was in defensive & bargain mode to protect Yameen form this nature of back fire from Qayyoom.

No worries for Qayyoom. He is well prepared for the opportunity. Iliyas & Yameen was not a Qayyoom’s option. Qayyoom’s political KANGAROO POUCH was specialized for Qassan Maumoon as a future president of Maldives.
President Nasheed & Qayyoom knew “HITH THIRI KURUN” was HARAAM in DIMOCRACY. HITH THIRI KURUN was HALAAL only in ISLAM.
If HITH was not THIRI accordingly. The International community & media will claim the convicting QAYOOM will be politically motivated act against democracy & by default ASIAN OBAMA & ASAIN MANDELA has arrested Maldivian opposition party leader the man name by MAUMOON ABDULL QAYYOOM.
As I have mentioned both president past & present knew what is real HITH THIRI KURUN.
In DEMOCRACY ruling party posses of Parliament majority may claim a bad sign of a democracy.
Like qayyoom if MDP supporters & members knew how to differentiate mentioned 11 points about ANNI than they will not emotional about following issues.
1-Not convicting Qayyoom & key stakeholders of Qayooms government.
2-DRP Parliament majority.
3-Parliament president & vice president chair
The man who design democratic landscape of Maldives & influence a 30 years of brutal dictator by the name of HEYO VERIKAN as DEMOCRACY will be able to meet all the expectations of MDP supporter & members in a different way.
Has won the American presidency with MUSLIM middle name.
Lets see who will be the NEXT PRESIDENT OF MALDIVES.
Adam Rasheed Ahmed