Ex-President vs Present President in MALDIVES

Both DRP & MDP members & supporters identify barriers, hazards, risks and other negative connotations. This is critical thinking, looking for problems and mismatches. This is usually natural for people to use, the issues with it are that people will tend to use it when it is not requested and when it is not appropriate, thus stopping the flow of others.
Preventing inappropriate use of the HITH THIRI KURUN is a common obstacle and vital step to effective group thinking. Another difficulty faced is that some people will naturally start to look for the solutions to raised problems - they start practicing emotional on HITH THIRI KURUN thinking before it is requested.
Commercial examples are:
- Will be facing strong competition
- What if we cannot get enough contribution together to support
- We might not be able to make it cheaply enough for us & supporters to sustain it
- There will be too much political opposition to this approach
- There is a risk that new legislation will make this makes unattractive
Examples from the referenced historical trends are:
- Time is wasted
- Learning is compromised
- Those speaking feel that HITH THIRI KURUN listeners do not respect them and do not wish to hear what they are saying
- Flow of discussion is less clear
Critical thinking
Critical thinking is purposeful and reflective judgment about what to believe or what to do in response to observations, experience, verbal or written expressions, or arguments. Critical thinking might involve determining the meaning and significance of what is observed or expressed, or, concerning a given inference or argument, determining whether there is adequate justification to accept the conclusion as true. Hence, Fisher & Scriven define critical thinking as "Skilled, active, interpretation and evaluation of observations, communications, information, and argumentation."[1] Parker & Moore define it more narrowly as the careful, deliberate determination of whether one should accept, reject, or suspend judgment about a claim and the degree of confidence with which one accepts or rejects it.
Critical thinking gives due consideration to the evidence, the context of judgment, the relevant criteria for making the judgment well, the applicable methods or techniques for forming the judgment, and the applicable theoretical constructs for understanding the nature of the problem and the question at hand. Critical thinking employs not only logic but broad intellectual criteria such as clarity, credibility, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, significance and fairness.
In contemporary usage "critical" has the connotation of expressing disapproval which is not always true of critical thinking. A critical evaluation of an argument, for example, might conclude that it is good.

Mohamed Amin Didi was a Maldivian political figure. He served as the first president of the Maldives and as the head of government between January 1, 1953 and August 21, 1953. Amin Didi was also the principal of Majeediyya School from 1946 to 1953.
Mohamed Amin Didi was the leader of the first political party in the Maldives, Rayyitunge Muthagaddim Party. He was well known for his efforts for the advancement of women and education in Maldives.
With the support of the people he abolished the 812 years old sultanate and became the first president of the Maldives on 1 January 1953. But he always supported a constitutional Monarchy.
After the death of Sultan Majeed Didi and his son Prince Hassan Fareed Didi, the members of the parliament chose Mr Amin Didi to be the next person who is capable to be as a sultan. But the same moment he stood up and shouted that "for the sake of the people of Maldives I would not accept the crown and the throne". And so a referendum was held and Maldives became a republic. But the republic was short lived and a revolution was brought by the people of Male`,while the president was in Ceylon for medical treatment.
Velaanaagey Ibaraahim Didi ,the vice president of Amin became the head of revolutionary government and ordered to arrest Mr Amin Didi as soon as he returned. Mr Amin Didi was not aware of these events which had taken place in his absence and he returned to the country ignorant of what have happened .
When he returned, he was arrested and taken to Dhoonidhoo island. He was told on the way that he is not any more the president. Four months later after his arrest, secret letters were exchanged between him and Ibrahim Hilmy Didi, to bring an end to this revolutionary government and to restore the monarchy. Ibrahim Hilmy as the king and Amin Didi as the prime minister. (Mr Ibraahim Hilmy lied to Amin Didi by saying that the people are still on his side).And ome might Amin didi came to male and tried to take control of badeyrige (Military HQ). People were so angry that he was beaten nearly to death. Then he was thrown into a small boat (bohkuraa near male).
Later the leaders of this small rebel group who wanted Mohanmed Amin as their leader were brought to court including Mohamed amin didi ,Ibrahim Hilmy Didi and Shamsuddin Hilmy Didi. These three people were sentenced to banish for life.
Mohamed Amin was banished to K.Gaafaru,Ibraahim Hilmy was Banished to K.gulhi and shamsuddin Hilmy was banished to K.hinmafushi.
As the former presidents health became deteriorating he was brought to Vihamanaa fushi Island (now kurumbaa village). On 19 January 1954,the first president of Maldives,a leader who tried his best to modernise his country died.A small funeral was held on vihamanaa fushi and he was buried in that island.His daughter Al nabeela Ameena attended to the funeral.
Ibrahim Nasir Rannabandeyri Kilegefan

Ibrahim Nasir Rannabandeyri Kilegefan who served as Prime Minister of the Maldives under Sultan Muhammad Fareed Didi from 1957 to 1968 and succeeded him to become the first President of the Second Republic from 1968 to 1978.
Nasir was widely criticised during Gayoom's regime. Especially during the first days of Gayoom after sworned in as president. There were massive rallies in almost all the big islands of Maldives with indecent cartoons of Nasir organized by Gayoom's government. There were cartoons of Nasir on the roads and on newspapers too. Horrible anti-Nasir songs were recorded and distributed by the government. These songs were even played on national radio. Offensive words were used for Nasir in these songs. These songs and cartoons were used in the rallies.
It is said until Nasir left Male' Gayoom praised Nasir and talked in favour of him (As in his first speech after sworned in as president). But after Nasir left Male' everything changed. After he left Male', mass demonstrations were held against him, labeling him traitor, calling death for him. He was tried in absentia and sentenced. However, the allegations against Nasir were never proven. Later Gayoom pardoned him.
Ibrahim Nasir exiled in Singapore on 7 December 1978 after resigning from his post. In 1981, Gayoom sentenced him to jail in absentia for alleged corruption charges and plotting a coup d'état; none of the allegations were proven and Nasir was pardoned.
On November 22, 2008, at the age of 82, Nasir died at Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore.[3] Though the cause of death is unknown,[4] he had kidney problems, which plagued him in the time before his death.[1] Nasir's body was flown to the Maldives, where his body was displayed in Theemuge, the presidential palace in Malé, on November 23.[4] The day was declared a national holiday in the Maldives, and tens of thousands of Maldivians flocked to see Nasir's body, which was displayed at a ceremony in Republican Square before going to Theemuge.[5] At the presidential palace, current President Mohamed Nasheed and former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom were among those who paid their respects to Nasir.
The MALDIVES first president Ibrahim Nasir has died age of 82, in Singapore on Saturday after a long illness. 1968 to 1978.
Idi Amin Dada (c.1925 – 16 August 2003), commonly known as Idi Amin, was a Ugandan military dictator and the President of Uganda from 1971 to 1979. Amin joined the British colonial regiment, the King's African Rifles, in 1946, and eventually held the rank of Major General and Commander of the Ugandan Army. He took power in a military coup in January 1971, deposing Milton Obote. His rule was characterised by human rights abuses, political repression, ethnic persecution, extrajudicial killings and the expulsion of Asians from Uganda.
From 1977 to 1979, Amin titled himself as "His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor[3] Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Conqueror of the British Empire." In 1975–1976,
Amin fled to Libya, before moving to Saudi Arabia in 1981, where he died in 2003.
Amin's army retreated steadily, and despite military help from Libya's Muammar al-Gaddafi, he was forced to flee on 11 April 1979 when Kampala was captured.
He escaped first to Libya and ultimately settled in Saudi Arabia where the Saudi royal family paid him a generous wage in return for his staying out of politics.
Amin held that Uganda needed him and never expressed remorse for the nature of his regime. In 1989, he attempted to return to Uganda, apparently to lead an armed group organised by Colonel Juma Oris. He reached Kinshasa, Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo), before Zairian President Mobutu forced him to return to Saudi Arabia.
IDI Amin's death
On 20 July 2003, one of Amin's wives, Madina, reported that he was in a coma and near death at King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. She pleaded with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni to allow him to return to die in Uganda. Museveni replied that Amin would have to "answer for his sins the moment he was brought back." Amin died in Saudi Arabia on 16 August 2003. He was buried in Ruwais Cemetery in Jeddah; according to the Associated Press's sources, few attended the funeral ceremony.
Qayyoom from DRP (Desaster Recovery Plan) to safe exit,
from safe exit to FIRE EXIT.
Ex-President Qayyoom & President Nasheed’s (ANNI) political DRAMA’s are most interesting exiting political ZIETGIEST in Maldivian modern history.
As a political analyst & writer I may be wrong I have been wrong in Qayyoom’s government many times & sent BEHIND BARS & banished. It is very interesting in local politics to make an analysis about present political situation but it is dangerous profession every where in the world.
Some people predict that ANNI’s Hith Thiri Kurun ( act as down to earth while celebrating victory) may have chance Qayyoom to be a STAE GOOD WILL EMBISSODOR for Environment to promote Maldives as a XERO CARBON country.
May be due to his political hidden agenda in DRP has confused the members.
Qayyoom has to answerable following stakeholders in DRP.
1-Qassan Maumoon why he failed competing with Thimarafushi Musthafa after making marketing GIMMICS in public media.
2-Abdulla Yamin, after PA alliance is that all about blasphemous of ANNI’s government or presidency for year 2013.
3-Ahmed Thasmeen Ali has faced numeric damages since he attempted to secure DRP & Qayyoom in presidential election. Who secure his political interest Qayyoom or Yameen.
Some Maldivians believe the best option for DRP future with young bloods has batter options if Qayyoom not involve in local politics.
The self exile model or asylum model for Qayyoom is not a bad option for time been since history of Maldives has bad practice with ex-presidents.

There is a unpredictable scenario in present political reality of Maldives. During 1980’s & 1990’s there is HUGE DEMAND for CLUB FOOTBALL the present situation is deferent public demand & spectators presence was not there.
The same might happens if AHMED THASMEEN migrate to MDP with his parliament group & that may solve his NUMARIC CHALLENGES too.
If this take place there will be no political demand with public excitement as spectators. The political spectators will say now there is no interest since MDP has majority in parliament everything will move according to MDP manifesto for 5 years.
If so AHMED THASMEEN will be MDP’s next VICE PRESIDENT OF MALDIVES in 2013 without YAMEEN & QASSAN & ANNI may complete his second terms of office.
Why Maldivians concern about Qayyoom still some people really dont know THE REAL QAYYOOM he will attend RIYAASEE COMMITEE we should forget how he operate during Nov 3rd 1988 & his visit to cemetry while EVAN NASEEM dead body SAHARA Pls. dont under estimate Qayyoom still ANNI & Qayyoom knews Maldivian political DRAMA both of them are best political manipulators in Modern Maldian history.
By Adam Rasheed Ahmed