Know the Man, Who is the Real Qayyoom?
By Mohamed Zahir (Friend of mine who was taken to NSS hq with me re-3rd Nov 1988 hostage Drama. Qayyoom government claimed we both discussed about Qayyoom responsibility for ordering FIRE Mv.PROGRESS LIGHT which was in International sea water with PLOTE TERRORIST with Maldivian Transport Minster Mr.Mujthaba & some Maldivian namely late chief IMAMM of Islamic Centre Dhirima Abdull Rahman & father of Maldives renown politician Mr.Ibrahim Ismail (IBRE)s father Mr.Ismail Naseer.
He came to power as a modern-day saviour promising equality, justice, freedom, prosperity, cultural and religious revival.
From then on if he wanted to be a man praised by sincere hearts of his people, if he desired to be an admired modern day father of a country, if he hoped to be a man who aimed to leave a legacy where coming generations revere him, if he wished at least to be a benevolent dictator his was all those where men of discerning mind aspire to become great.
Instead why he becomes a malevolent dictator people love to hate, hammering a nation physically and psychologically and feared by all its citizens.
Writers, reformists and opposition activists seem to be quite perplexed to understand the mind of the man whose very behaviour affect their lives and in fact the whole Maldives. Opposition and critical literature about the man is all the same as a normal political figure trying to consolidate his authority, nepotism, human rights abuses and corruption. No one bothers to know the "inner landscape" of the man who has passed 27 years of tyrannical rule by raping an innocent nation of its puritan values and robbing its rosy days for expediting development.

The unregenerate thinking that intellectuals or people at high level, especially a head of state will have the same mindset as a sort of recidivist jailbird makes them even hard to suspect the lethal psyche of their ruler. But that's what exactly the man is, a psychopath.
Psychopathy is not just a sort of Hollywood obsession where serial killers and charming sadist rippers let loose their "zero conscience" in a frenzy to wreck havoc on the society. It's very real as the society itself. Only Hollywood screenplays didn't portray one type of psychopath; most dangerous of all, the narcissist-psychopath. Because of the high intellectual capacity and social programming the cloaked conscience of this type of psychopath isn't easy to scrutinize as the full-blown running-afoul-the-law criminal type. However inside, it's the same sort of caricature but with more sophisticated, abstruse and camouflaged antisocial behaviour.
Please carefully read the following derived and condensed (in italic) from eminent experts on psychopathic behaviour and compare what you see in our dear Great Dictator. I have put down my own comments relating to some quotes of psychopathic experts. I am sure you will realize that it's just nothing more than an apt description of The Man for All Evils - Dictator Gayyoom.
Experts explain characteristics of psychopaths as:
"They tend to operate with a grandiose demeanor, an attitude of entitlement, an insatiable appetite, and a tendency toward sadism. Certain organic (brain) disorders and hormonal imbalances mimic the state of mind of a psychopath". The QFS Report.
"All psychopaths share three common characteristics. They are all very egocentric individuals with no empathy for others, and they are incapable of feeling remorse or guilt". Rebecca Horton.
"He is generally superficially charming and often makes a striking impression as possessed of the noblest of human qualities".
"He makes friends easily, and is very manipulative, using his ability with words to talk his way out of trouble. Many psychopaths love to be admired and bask in the adulation of others. With the lack of love, there is also a lack of empathy. The psychopath is unable to feel sorry for others in unfortunate situations or put himself in another's place, whether or not they have been harmed by him". Gordon Banks .

Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom appears to have the very noble traits agreeable to many ordinary Maldivians. Just to name a few, he is a humble and kind-hearted Islamic scholar, a generous giver, a pious preacher. Although behind those ostensible noble qualities is "the mask of sanity".

Qayyoom as IMAM & Shaikh
With his kingly grandeur lifestyle, his self granted privileges for public coffer, constitutional law, preaching and his unquenchable thirst for praise and glory and his innate satisfaction from people's crying plea to him for survival from his entangled web of abuses are manifestation of the psychopathic tendencies in him. With so many tragic things happened under his regime's tyranny such as recent torture to death of Evan Naseem and subsequent shooting and death of inmates at Maafushi Jail for which Gayyoom is responsible, he never felt empathy for the bereaved families and didn't publicly apologize for the carnage. Of course he has never once apologized for the Maldivian people for the past 27 years of his long rule. In fact the cry for justice by Evans' mother in public also quite recently by Muaviath's father (similar case as Evan's) resulted in Gayyoom victimizing them.

Gayyoom is a master manipulator. He easily woos people of social stature towards him and assassinates their characters by corrupting them to the eyes of the public without them knowing it so there will not be an alternative public figure of standing as a threat to him. He has also cleverly immersed the Maldivian elite in pursuit of materialistic benefits provided by his regime at the same time making them black mailed.
Yameen & his key political players palys numeric excitement in Qayyoom Politics

"Being very efficient machines, like a computer, they are able to execute very complex routines designed to elicit from others support for what they want. In this way, many psychopaths are able to reach very high positions in life. It is only over time that their associates become aware of the fact that their climb up the ladder of success is predicated on violating the rights of others". The QFS Report.
"The psychopath recognizes no flaw in his psyche, no need for change".
Gayyoom having God complex thinks he is perfect. Inside he believes that Maldivians are mediocre and he despises them. All the past struggles by people to reform the status quo system of governance and Gayyoom himself resulted producing nothing except more torture and punishment at the hands of his regime. He may make many flowery promises for change as he did before. But anyway his brain is wired to function always in a treacherous and deceptive way to maintain the status quo. To know the truth of his coded promises, we have to decipher them into a psychopathic metaphor.
"Our world seems to have been invaded by individuals whose approach to life and love is so drastically different from what has been the established norm for a very long time that we are ill- prepared to deal with their tactics of what can be called the "plausible lie.
We can even see that this philosophy of the "plausible lie" has overtaken the legal and administrative domains of our world, turning them into machines in which human beings with real emotions are destroyed". The QFS Report.
Lies and deceit are some of the prominent features on display in Gayyoom's oppressive rule. People were cheated, being cheated and will be cheated. Gayyoom's sophistication for chicanery doesn't need to be tested against a back ground of advanced legal domains which we don't have yet. He is the ultimate law giver its interpreter and its enforcer. What baffles me is that why Gayyoom is creating a lot of unnecessary charade. May be he wants to create and then act out national fantasies according to his liking?
The classmate of Qayoom Mr.Zahir Hussain’s Daily covers about Qayyom’s brother in law.

The classmate of Qayoom Mr.Zahir Hussain’s Daily covers about Qayyom’s brother in law.
"Indeed, they can imitate feelings, but the only real feelings they seem to have - the thing that drives them and causes them to act out different dramas for effect - are a sort of adrenaline based "fear" of loss of what they want. That is to say, they "feel" need/want as love, and not having their needs/wants met is described as "not being loved" by them.
What is more, this "need/want" perspective posits that only the "hunger" of the psychopath is valid, and anything and everything "out there," outside of the psychopath, is not real except insofar as it has the capability of being assimilated to the psychopath as a sort of "food." Can it be used or can it provide something is the only issue about which the psychopath seems to be concerned. All else - all activity - is subsumed to this drive". The QFS Report.
Gayyoom is just concerned with only losing his grip on the people. The entire function of a "fat government" is centered on aggrandizing his hold on power and prolonging his oppressive rule. People have to be answerable to the Government but the Government is not obliged to do so to the people.
"In short, the psychopath - and the narcissist - is a predator. Just as an animal predator will adopt all kinds of stealthy functions in order to stalk their prey, cut them out of the herd, get close to them and reduce their resistance, so does the psychopath construct all kinds of elaborate camouflage composed of words and appearances - lies and manipulations - in order to "assimilate" their prey". The QFS Report.
Take for example Seena Zahir, once an acclaimed valiant fighter for people's rights and freedom, now a loathsome symbol of betrayal. Zahir's seduction was material wealth and influential posts offered by the Dictator.
Most experienced Majlis Raees in Maldivian history. Mr.Mohamed Zahir

Most experienced Majlis Raees in Maldivian history. Mr.Mohamed Zahir
"People are used as a means to an end; they are to be subordinated and demeaned so that the antisocial can vindicate themselves..." The QFS Report.
Subjugation of people by fear, intimidation and indoctrination by disseminating tailor-made religious propaganda by himself and through his spin-doctors are winning tactics employed by the Dictator. Hardly could anyone be able to do anything successful outside the blessing of his regime.
"One of the primary causes of sociopathic behavior is believed to be neurological abnormalities mainly in the frontal lobe of the brain. The abnormal anatomy or chemical activity within this area of the brain may be caused by abnormal growth (possibly genetic), brain disease, or injury. This theory has been supported by much research using positron emission tomography (PET) which visually shows the metabolic activity of neurons within the brain" Sabbatini
Some Muslim doctors are in an opinion that "sinful lying forelock" referred in the Qur'an means the frontal lobe of the brain where aversion to moral values takes place. With his superstitious cult of beliefs like astrology, numerology, omen, talisman, black magic, exorcism etc., Gayyoom is committing spiritual treason in this world falling off the lowest of the low in receiving divine guidance. Take notice of how deceiving Gayyoom is under guise of pious Islamic scholar.
"The psychopath is a manipulator, who knows exactly what makes us tick and knows how to manipulate and influence our feelings". The QFS Report.
Gayyoom very well knows how to arouse the Maldivian psyche whenever and whatever he wants. His own derived version of an unorthodox Islamic indoctrination by becoming a self-appointed redeemer, mass propaganda to Goebelian proportions instilling in the Maldivian psyche that his regime has to be placated and at the same time praised for their "great achievements" with often repeated reminder that authority of rule is a God-given right which should not be defied.
"When caught in a lie or challenged with the truth, they are seldom perplexed or embarrassed -- they simply change their stories or attempt to rework the facts so that they appear to be consistent with the lie.
The results are a series of contradictory statements and a thoroughly confused listener."
Manipulation is the key to their conquests and lying is one way they achieve this" Hare.
I am not quite sure how much Gayyoom benefited by lying to Maldivians and foreign diplomatic sources. Certainly his recent lies to diplomatic sources and international media can be summed as big blunders. The main reason those lies become blunders are that Gayyoom's adversary, the impressive MDP, is well-connected with diplomatic sources and the media to expose him effectively. The other reason might be because of senile age Gayyoom now lacks erudition and plausibility in his lies.
Qayyoom with Mahindha Rajpaksa friend of Maldives friend of Maldives.

MDP's Mr. Latheef recently said that Gayyoom is a congenital liar. You are right Mr. Latheef as Dr. Robert Hare states, "Lying, deceiving, and manipulation are natural talents for psychopaths".
"They often forget the lies they told and tell contradicting tales, which often makes the listener wonder if either the psychopath is crazy, although in this case the psychopath isn't really crazy -- he's just forgotten what lies he's told.
"The most amazing thing, however, is their selective memory. A psychopath might not remember the promises he made to you yesterday, but he will remember something from the past if it suits his purposes in some way. They often do this whenever they're confronted or caught in a lie". QFS Report.
Ask the whole nation, individuals and island communities what Gayyoom promised them? People earnestly will tell you a plethora of them. Gayyoom had poured out words of promises so much during his 27 years "one man show" spree, making empty promises at national level had become just a mundane affair among top bureaucrats of the regime.
"Most psychopaths are very arrogant and cocky. However, when charming a potential victim, they say all the "right" things and make you believe they are kind-hearted souls; not always, but often enough.
The truth is, psychopaths are not altruistic and do not really care about friendships or ties. Guggenbuhl-Craig states that they are very talented at appearing much more humble than the average person, but are hardly so.
The psychopath is filled with greed inside, relating to the world through power, even though, as I said, on the outside he can claim to be on the side of the disenfranchised or the downtrodden. The psychopath can also often identify himself as a revolutionary.
As mentioned, psychopaths often claim to settle for second best (being their own worst enemy) and then think they deserve better. This may be manifested in the way they seek power -- either through money (i.e. material goods), manipulation and/or treating people as objects. By enacting such behaviors, the psychopath is also trying to "get back" at society and the world, in order to gain retribution". QFS Report.
Maldives is a country under revenge of a psychopath. Everything seems here running on a path towards a chaotic emergence. Once an innocent, sober, harmonious, peaceful and brotherly society with an upright national philosophy, now bereft of that innocence, mainstream social values, tradition, culture and religious morals left at everyone's own making, Maldivian society is evolving to a pattern created as a figment of imagination in the mind of a psychopath. You could say that in this age of globalization traditions, cultures and ethics are subject to change. Well, is then globalization expediting antisocial vices? Or is it advocating escape from established ethical norms?
"Psychopathy implies that it wreaks more havoc on society than most other mental illnesses do, since the disorder primarily involves reactions against the social environment that drag other people into its destructive web...
The despair and anxiety wrought by antisocials (psychopaths) tragically affects families and communities, leaving deep physical and emotional scars..." Black
What an apt metaphor for Maldivian society! Entire families have been targeted and victimized. Frustration is high even in most common man and anxiety is stricken with those who feel their sense of responsibility to the nation. Many are the victims of psychological and physical abuses. Go through the ordeals of Kerafaa Naseem to Ahmed Adam, Sheikh Mohamed Ibrahim to Sheikh Fareed.
"They can be very effective in presenting themselves well and are often very likeable and charming. To some people, however, they seem too slick and smooth, too obviously insincere and superficial. Astute observers often get the impression that psychopaths are play-acting, mechanically "reading their lines.
Despite their failures, psychopaths have a very "narcissistic and grossly inflated view of their self-worth and importance, a truly astounding egocentricity and sense of entitlement, and see themselves as the center of the universe, as superior beings who are justified in living according to their own rules." Hare
The first flight by the Ilyushins were followed by more An-12s carrying paratroopers and equipment.

Gayyoom is an exemplary failure for a case study. His journey from a wannabe national hero to a hated traitor is an illustration of how evil runs in human blood. Gayyoom thinks that all national fantasies should have to be around him and those songs of praise, portraits of art, headlines of the media should gravitate towards a center that is him.
"They often come across as "arrogant, shameless braggarts--self-assured, opinionated, domineering, and cocky. They love to have power and control over others and seem unable to believe that people have valid opinions different from theirs. They appear charismatic or 'electrifying' to some people." Hare
One of the very marked behaviors of Gayyoom is that simply no opinion is valid except as his liking. Gayyoom can't believe that people have valid to reasons to criticize his dictatorship. The ongoing process in the name of reform, initiated by the Dictator due to heavy foreign pressure and public drive is intended for a charade like he did as before. But this time his inherent lust for status quo and his deceptive tactics lacking in sophistication are making Gayyoom a man entangled in his own trap. Gayyoom's psyche didn't allow him to initiate anything for the good of the people unless he is the direct beneficiary of that good.
Mohamed Nasheed arrest very often during Qayyoom terms of office.

"A bully's (sociopath) apparent self-esteem and self-confidence is actually arrogance, an unsustainable belief of invulnerability honed from his willingness to act outside the bounds of society to ensure their survival. Targets (or victims) are people who can see through the arrogance to perceive the empty shell behind it - and bullies can sense who can see through them, furthering the target's elimination." Tim Field
How many innocent people and families have been victimized just for nothing except their sense of the Devil in Gayyoom. Some have gone bankrupt and lost their lives. Others have gone insane.
Most of them transfer their attachment to "hard objects" such as weapons, knives, [magical practices] etc. The grandiose self is represented onto the weapon or object and is a projection of themselves. This of course is more in depth study of the psychopath. Not all psychopaths have a gun collection or a favorite knife or sword, but a great deal of them does tend to be fond of weapons and such symbols of aggression and dominance. The QFS Report.
The notorious NSS is that projection of power and sadistic tendencies in Gayyoom. Torture, fear and intimidation through this brute force is the ultimate means for subjugating the Maldivian people to his brutal dictatorship.
Gayyoom is so much obsessed with magical practices that besides foreign "specialist seers", nearly all sorcerers and shamans alike in the country are under Palace payroll.
Gayyoom with late SADDAM

"Some individuals are strong enough to stand up to the psychopath; unfortunately, not all people are, and most psychopaths succeed in permanently damaging their victims". Tim Field
Anni is one of the few who so candidly stood and is standing against hitherto an unknown psychopath commanding absolute power. This young man's journey through the ordeals of arrests by a ruthless Dictator made him an inspiration and hope to the perturbed youth of the country. Anni's relentless standing against all odds is now proving the Dictator that he is a man to be reckoned with.
"The main lesson I have learnt is that when dealing with a sociopath, the normal rules of etiquette do not apply. You are dealing with someone who has no empathy, no conscience, no remorse, and no guilt...It is a completely different mindset. Words like 'predator' and 'evil' are often used." Tim Field

"If you try to deal with psychopaths in an ethical manner, you will be in for a shock. Dr. William Higgins claims that you "can't negotiate or bargain with psychopaths." The QFS Report.
The MDP and all reformists, take a hint! Since your struggle is with ethics and non-violence, remember to keep behind a herd of tamed lions who could bully Gayyoom.
"Psychopaths sometimes verbalize remorse but then contradict themselves in words or actions." Hare
"Psychopaths may apologize or show remorse only to get away with something, but in the end you will be stabbed in the back and realize how very shallow their words were". The QFS Report.
Shallow indeed were Gayyoom's words. Evan's mother now has fully grasped that.
"The psychopath appears not to be able to remember what they had said or committed to for very long. They seem to always be living in the present. That is why they are usually guilty of being big "promise- makers" who cannot live up to their word. Once again, it will be the victim who must deal with the aftermath of all the psychopath's twists and turns, and when he gets you angry enough, you will be discredited as "defective" by him, and the psychopath will often make himself out to be the real victim.
This is when the victim suddenly becomes very angry and is motivated to have some sort of justice. But when trying to obtain justice with a psychopath, be aware that you will be the one to pay if you don't take a firm stand; the experience will have you more confused and bewildered, and you may even feel tempted to fight fire with fire.
Also, be forewarned that the psychopath will expend much effort (at the victim's cost), in setting up plans, expectations, etc., but they give very little, or nothing, in return.
The fact is, regardless of all studies and new therapies, psychopaths are "hard-wired" for life-long bad behavior.
Many do not exhibit criminal behavior, but act antisocially in socially acceptable professions". The QFS Report.

Gayyoom didn't do things just only in a socially acceptable profession but mostly with socially accepted fashion. In fact Gayyoom moulds the society according to his antisocial impulses through social programming and government propaganda. Let it be known that Gayyoom hardly speaks against social vices.
"Strangely enough, many find the psychopath's verbal deftness quite charming, and psychopaths do tend to talk a lot, especially when they're pouring on the charm".
"They have remarkably good insight into the needs and weaknesses of other people" "Even when they are indifferent to the rights of their associates, they are often able to inspire feelings of trust and confidence."
So long as Maldivians are under the charm of the mammon that is Maumoon, things will stay as they're. Notwithstanding the very fact that how much Gayyoom has lied, there are still people who have confidence in what he promises.
Gayyoom has such power of manipulation that he despises and makes you an outcast today and tomorrow again he brings you closer to him and makes you a sage. Enter Abbas, Ilyas and Kamaaluddeeen. When need be, Gayyoom uses such figures to carryout cunning duplicitous acts on the public. People like Abbas Ibrahim are too often under the charm of Gayyoom by laboring day and night to keep the Dictator in power. When you speak him by forceful presentation of Gayyoom's evils he even elaborates on yours and blatantly says he will distance from Gayyoom but then again you will see him fall under the manipulative spell of the Dictator. Such is the status of people who know inside-out psychopathic characteristics of the Dictator.
"In consequence, whether or not they can't or don't desire to change, studies have shown that they won't change, in general, so don't waste your time trying to help or change them, for the help you offer will always be repaid to you in full by treachery.
Personally, I also believe that it's better to not accept meager crumbs of fake affection from a psychopath. No one needs that kind of abuse. If you keep taking that abuse, I can grant you that you will pay for it both mentally and emotionally, for a very long time. The end result is what is referred to as having been psychologically battered". The QFS Report"
Well, let we try not to change the Devil for an Angel. Let ourselves be changed for good. Evil is just a blot in this vast harmonious design of creation. Let we ourselves be bold and committed to confront it so that we will not be paid by treachery.
"Antisocials (psychopaths) often spend their last years alone, sometimes plagued by regret for what they never knew they were missing until it was too late." Black
Sad to say, Gayyoom, still at his mid 70's, unrepentant and ever arrogant, seems unable to leave a legacy where future Maldivians at least try to forgive him. Isn't it already too late for Gayyoom? Now his duplicity on display, the Dictator still never shows an iota of regret for the entire sorry state of things under his brutal long rule. Should Gayyoom have to face solitary confinement to recoup his "soul quality"? Well, he is not alone and isolated yet. But will he feel penitent? If so, will the mammon too.