when Maldives government change in 1978 ex-president Qayyoom claimed late president Ibrahim Nasir has use state finance & properties for his own interest. Any of this ellegation did not endosed in international institution such as FIU,s CIA, State Dept USA or UN.
Some diplomates , media & politicians describe those ellegations was politically motivated.
During ex - president Qayyoom terms of office defence & other relate authorities has failed to perticipate internation network to prevent challenges in 21st century.
The Nov 3rd 1988 is an clear case studies whic was badly effected Maldives National security. After this tregic insidence Maldives has matuard in military inteligence with help international community.
After 30 years of dictatorship & nepotism president Mohamed Nasheed is moving towards full flag democracy in the Maldives. The MDP supporters & some Maldivians are keenly interested to investigate about some influential figure in DRP & PA. The president Nasheed needs to proceed this in a way of democracy through international guide lines.
After 9/11 international borders are commited to do so. The Maldives has to do is to form such agencies. The HOME LAND SECURITY & FINANCIAL INTELIGEN UNIT (FIU) must be in action with presidential RIAASEE COMITEE.
If Maldives judicial system muscles strenth is week to conviction the mentioned FIU, HLS financial authorities has guidelines & standards in such countires including Central Bank of Nogeria & No Men's Land & Amsterdam.
Its a long term project with 2 to 3 years time frame.
The reality is blue print of in & out of flying route & fund transfers is under finger tip. The art of doing nothing cannot play with international stocks & bond markets. A foreign friends cannot sustain by having triple digit gain he or she 's bank accounts.
Adam Rasheed Ahmed
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